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In our last post we advised “knowing your body” and fueling it with what it needs, and the question we got asked the most is “how do I know my body type?”

Body types also known as somatotypes are classifications used to describe the general physical characteristics of individuals. These classifications provide a way to understand some common physical traits and tendencies. In this article we will answer the question “How do I know my body type?” as best as we can by diving into the curious world of body types and explore the three main body types, provide guidance into the right nutrition strategies to achieving optimal health and fitness goals for each type.

The three main types are:

1. Ectomorphs

2. Mesomorphs

3. Endomorphs

Ectomorphs: The Lean Machines

Ectomorphs generally are characterized by a lean and tall physique, slender waist and narrow shoulders. They have very fast metabolism hence burn calories quickly, so regardless of what, how often, or how much they eat, they don’t gain weight or muscle easily.

The right nutrition is key to achieving their health and fitness goals. Here are some important points to consider for ectomorphs’ nutrition plans:

1. Caloric Surplus: consuming more calories than they expend daily promotes weight gain: Opt for complex carbohydrates and nutrient dense foods like whole grains, lean proteins, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

2. More Protein and Healthy Fats intake: Protein is crucial for muscle repair and growth. Healthy fats are crucial for hormone production to support overall health. Include lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, and plant-based protein sources in your diet. Healthy fats sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish should be present in your diet too.

3. Frequent Meals: Spreading meals into smaller, more frequent portions throughout the day can help ectomorphs meet their caloric needs. Snack on healthy options like nuts, yogurt, and protein shakes between main meals

4. Hydration: Stay adequately hydrated by consuming enough water throughout the day. Water is essential for various bodily functions and can support overall well-being.

5. Strength Training: Along with proper nutrition, engage in regular strength training exercises. This will stimulate muscle growth and help achieve a more muscular physique.

Mesomorphs: The Athletic Builds

Mesomorphs are characterized by a naturally athletic and muscular physique. with a body type that responds well to both exercise and proper nutrition. Mesomorphs have a genetic advantage when it comes to fitness pursuits, they tend to have a well-balanced metabolism and respond positively to both strength training and cardio exercises.

The right nutrition is key to achieving their health and fitness goals. Here are some important points to consider for mesomorphs’ nutrition plans:

1. Balanced Macronutrient Consumption: Balancing intake of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats including lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and sources of unsaturated fats like avocados, nuts, and olive oil provides the energy needed for vigorous activities, support muscle repair and growth, and aids hormone production and overall health.

2. Portion Control: While mesomorphs may have a higher tolerance for calories than other body types, it's still important to control calorie consumption. Portion control to maintain a healthy body weight and composition. Adjust caloric consumption based on fitness goals, whether it’s building muscle or losing fat. Consider consulting with a nutrition professional to determine the appropriate calorie range for your specific needs.

3. Strategically timed meals: Strategically timing meals and snacks can optimize performance and recovery. Prioritize pre-workout meals or snacks that provide energy and fuel for exercise. After workouts, consume a combination of protein and carbohydrates to support muscle recovery and replenish glycogen stores.

4. Hydration: Proper hydration is crucial for overall performance and well-being. Stay adequately hydrated by consuming enough water throughout the day to supports optimal physical performance, aid digestion, and help regulate body temperature.

5. Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition: Prioritize consuming a combination of protein and carbohydrates before and after your workouts. This will help provide energy, support muscle recovery, and enhance performance.

Endomorphs: The Curvaceous Figures

Endomorphs are characterized by a naturally larger and rounder body shape, a higher body fat percentage and a propensity to gain weight easily. They typically have a slower metabolism and while they may face challenges in managing their weight they often excel in strength-based activities.

The right nutrition is key to achieving their health and fitness goals. Here are some important points to consider for endomorphs’ nutrition plans:

1. Caloric Deficit: Consuming less calories than they require daily facilitates weight loss. Opt for whole, nutrient-dense foods like whole grains, lean proteins, legumes, fruits and vegetables and monitor portion sizes.

2. Balanced Macronutrients: Like mesomorphs, balancing intake of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats keeps you feeling full and satisfied. Choose lean proteins, high-fiber carbohydrates, and healthy fats sources.

3. Regular Meals and Snacks: Avoid prolonged periods of fasting, as it may lead to overeating later. Have regular meals and incorporate healthy snacks to maintain steady energy levels.

4. Hydration: Proper hydration is crucial for overall performance and well-being. Staying adequately hydrated by consuming enough water throughout the day helps control appetite, and can aid in weight management.

5. Regular Physical Activity: Combining proper nutrition and regular exercise is key for endomorphs to achieve their fitness goals. A mix of cardiovascular exercises and strength training are advised to improve metabolism, burn calories, and build lean muscle mass.

It's important to note that there are individuals who do not fit perfectly into one body type or category, they have a combination of body traits, which makes their nutrition approach unique. Also, while macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) are important, micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) are equally essential for overall health. Consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole foods to ensure you meet your micronutrient needs.


Understanding your body type is key to proper nutrition plan to achieve your health and fitness goals. Whether you are an ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph, or a combination of body types, the key lies in fueling your body with the right balance of proper nutrition and physical activity. It's important to remember that each person is unique, and individual needs may vary.

Consider consulting with a certified dietitian or nutritionist and fitness instructor who can provide individualized plan specific to your goals and requirements. Don't obsess over quick results rather focus on long-term, sustainable habits by staying consistent and being patient to achieve your desired results.

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May 28, 2023


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May 27, 2023

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peter mends
peter mends
May 27, 2023

Very nice educative

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May 25, 2023



May 25, 2023

Very educative

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